HALL believes it is important for all citizens to share their gifts and potential within their community to enhance lifelong learning and support the healthy development and care of children. Our volunteers and staff share their time and knowledge to offer many of our programs and activities. Creating new or supporting existing quality learning activities within our community and surrounding areas are just some of the ways in which HALL is contributing to Hampton being a great place to raise a family.
Below is a brief description of all the programs and services offered by HALL
Infant CPR and First Aid
A program for parents of children under 12 months of age and covers both rescue breathing and CPR.
Ready For School
This program offers parents information and strategies that will have a positive, long lasting effect on their child’s learning and assist in helping their child be best prepared for their first years of school.
Self Esteem-How I see Me
This program shares ideas and strategies with parents to help encourage positive and healthy self esteem in children.
Learning Begins
This program offers tremendous information on baby’s brain development and the essential role parent’s play in baby’s early learning.
Secrets of Discipline
This workshop explores the secrets of raising cooperative and responsible children in an interactive parent workshop where we discuss the principle keys of discipline from Ron Morrish’s book “Secrets of Discipline”. Join us in discussing “Secrets of Discipline” where you will get direction on how to deal effectively with defiance, get children to carry out their responsibilities, decrease stress through the use of prevention, teach courtesy and respect, and build children’s independence skills.
Family Resource LibraryThe HALL Family Library offers a wide variety of children, parent and teacher resources such as books, toys, activities, videos, etc., to sign borrow freely.
Celebrate Baby
Celebrate Baby is a series of information sessions and activities for Parents with babies under the age of 14 months. Through a variety of funfilled activities, we introduce parents to information, tools and techniques which promote healthy development in their babies. We Celebrate Baby by offering topics such as: Home; Where Learning Begins, Food Glorious Food, Baby Gets Movin', Yoga with Baby, Infant Massage, Groovin' with Baby, Baby Signs and Talk with Me.
Because everyone learns best in a fun environment, HALL offers a variety of family Funshops throughout the year for parents and children 3 & 4 years of age . These fun-filled parent/child interactive programs encourage children to explore and discover through music, art, science, and literacy. A great way to spend time with your child.
Preschool Summer Camp
A weekly summer program filled with fun and discovery just for preschoolers. Swimming, activity centres and weekly themes encourage learning through play.